- The Golden Trout Award is open to only 2 competitors. Simon and Andrew.
- The winner of the award will be the fisherman who catches the most trout during the standard Tasmanian trout fishing season determined by the Inland Fisheries Service.
- Trout caught in open waters not during the official trout season can not be counted to the final tally of that season, or added to the tally of next season.
- The term “trout” applies to all 4 species of trout available in Tasmanian waters (ie. Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Sea-run Trout and Brooke Trout). Atlantic salmon do not qualify, even when stocked in Tasmanian trout waters.
- Trout may be caught by any legal method as determined by the Inland Fisheries service. This excludes any fish taken by means of explosives, dead lines, spear guns, or stealing them from other people.
- Only trout of a legal size can be included in the tally.
- Any trout of legal size that is caught and released may be counted in the tally.
- Any fish that escapes back into the water after being unintentionally released by the fisherman can not be included in the tally (ie. the one that got away).
- The unsuccessful competitor is responsible for supplying an engraved tag to be added the Golden Trout Award that states the season date (eg. 2004-05), the winner’s first name, and the final total of trout caught by the winner that year.
- In the event of a tie, the 2 competitors will meet at an agreed trout water open outside of the standard Tasmanian trout fishing season, for a sudden death fish-off, with the winner being the first person to land any trout of legal size. (In the event of a sudden death fish-off taking place, details of the agreed location will be posted on the GTA blogg prior to the event, however it is asked that spectators refrain from bestowing any fishing advice to the competitors, and conduct themselves in a manner respectful of this prestigious event).